
Financing for Social Impact

About Us

Improving South East Asia - v​illage by village

LTS Ventures is a Lao FinTech Company that focuses on advancing financial inclusion through ditigal financial Innovation. LTS offers a shared Microbanking platform for rural areas in ASEAN, catering to places where internet and electricity may not be readily available. LTS also provides interactive and effective trainings, research studies, and projects

10,000 Transactions / Day
924 Villages
Over 25 Project

Management Team

Managing Director & Founder

Lattana is passionate about helping people in rural areas. Under her leadership, LTS Ventures runs a digital village banking platform that serves over 920 village banks in rural areas. This initiative has enabled access to finance for over 230,000 people. She focuses on the operations.

Mr.Tim Scheffman
CEO & CO-founder

Tim has worked over 25 years in banking and finance in almost every financial hub in the world. Starting as a banker in rural finance in Germany he is running one of the largest rural banking networks in South East Asia based on a Blockchain-like shared ledger.


2022 – Global Inclusive FinTech 20 Award

News & Publications

The global Fiwam event in Malta

We were invited to joint the Global Fiwam event in Malta. It's Financial Innovations for Women Affected by Migration (FIWAM) is a Growth Program funded by the Impact-Linked Fund for Gender Inclusive Fintechs (ILF for GIF) and managed by the Impact-Linked Finance Fund

the Asian Bank Excellent

The CEO OF LTS Ventures,Tim Scheffman was invited to joint the Asian Bank conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. The programme is designed for senior executives from banks, insurance, fintech and large technology companies for a day of intense discussions on the key developments in the retail finance sector.

the Future of Finance Summit

15 June 2023 At the Future of finance Summit from the Asian banker - Tim Scheffman, the CEO OF LTS Ventures participated in a panel Discussion on "Blockchain Unleashed: Accelerating The Evolution of the digital economy"